Friday, 30 January 2009

This Blog Has Moved

I'm trying out a new blog site which allows private and public posts on the same blog (rather than trying to keep 2 blogs updated).

Thursday, 29 January 2009

29/365:2009 - Bumblebee

29/365:2009 - Bumblebee
Originally uploaded by enola05

DS being creative. This will be a Bumblebee Transformer, given a few more coats of paint.

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

28/365:2009 - Time Traveler's Wife

28/365:2009 - Time Traveler's Wife
Originally uploaded by enola05

I was stuck for inspiration today so here is a photo of the book I am currently reading. I like this idea, I might take photos of all the books I read this year as a photographic reading record. Shame I didn't think if this yesterday before I finished reading Wicked.

27/365:2009 - Miserable Morning

27/365:2009 - Miserable Morning
Originally uploaded by enola05

This is the row of houses opposite DS' nursery and it's about 8.30am. It was a little misty and I was hoping for something a little more evocative than this, but that's the limitations of a quick snap with a compact camera (and a dull cloudless sky) for you

26/365:2009 - Mmmmeeee

26/365:2009 - Mmmmeeee
Originally uploaded by enola05

OK, so I didn't actually take this one but it is my favourite photo of the day. Whilst doing the weekly grind (grocery shopping, yawn) I let DS2 play with my camera. That way if I saw any likely looking photo opportunities I could just borrow it back for a sec.

Anyway, DS2 (who is 2) took this picture of me at the checkout and I like it

Sunday, 25 January 2009


Originally uploaded by enola05

I was torn with todays photo. There's this one of DS1 and another of DS2. As there are a few of DS2 already I chose this one.

This weekend has all been about kiddies parties and I was expecting to upload photos from there, but these two of my boys were just too appealing, and there are more kiddies parties next weekend. Oh what busy social lives my kids have!

Saturday, 24 January 2009


Originally uploaded by enola05

DS2 was 2 today. Here is one of the many many pictures taken. DH seemed to have a problem with the autofocus and there are quite a few pics of chairs with blurry children in the background lol.


Originally uploaded by enola05

Today was mainly about getting ready for DS's birthday party tomorrow. Some last minute shopping at Tescos for party bag contents yielded this photo. Just a snap I know, but aren't I getting brave lol

Thursday, 22 January 2009

22:365/2009 Schwimm

22:365/2009 Schwimm
Originally uploaded by enola05

My photo for today doesn't really look like this but I'm not very comfortable putting pictures of DS in swimwear on the internet for all and sundry to see.

If you have access to Enola's Sneezes you can see it there

21/365:2009 Costa

21/365:2009 Costa
Originally uploaded by enola05

I noticed that most of my pictures so far are close up / abstract types so I tried for something a bit wider.

After being practically forced into Hobbycraft (OK so I got in the wrong lane and had to go into the car park, almost the same thing) I needed to rest my weary feet, Decaf skinny latte calling

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

20/365:2009 - Westwood

20/365:2009 - Westwood
Originally uploaded by enola05

This is my one and only photo today. A snap of the gates on my trips out and about today.

I wound down the window and stuck my arm out to get this one. Very professional. Hmmm

Monday, 19 January 2009

19/365:2009 Gadgetry

19/365:2009 Gadgetry
Originally uploaded by enola05

Having run a little low on inspiration and opportunity today I have resorted to taking a photo of my new phone.

I wanted a close up but the restrictions of my non macro lens were a bit limiting. I took a leap and actually figured out how to switch off autofocus and got this shot. Obviously, the buttons are out of focus, but I think it's pretty

Sunday, 18 January 2009

18/365:2009 Changing Rooms

18/365:2009 Changing Rooms
Originally uploaded by enola05

We go swimming 'for fun' on Sundays. As it's the last session of the day and it takes so long to get ready with children in tow, the changing rooms were empty apart from us so I managed to get one or two quick shots on the way out.

Saturday, 17 January 2009

17/365:2009 Flat Packed

17/365:2009 Flat Packed
Originally uploaded by enola05

Among the many things I did today, one of them was to spend the evening putting together some flat pack drawers with my husband. Wow we lead an exciting life lol

Friday, 16 January 2009

16/365:2009 Docs Balm

16/365:2009 Docs Balm
Originally uploaded by enola05

These little pots of Dr Martens Wonder Balsam I ordered from Ebay before Christmas. Because of the delay the seller added an extra 5 pots!

So todays photo is what the postman brought. That could be a good topic for a weeks photos maybe. Hmm off to write that down.

Thursday, 15 January 2009

15/365:2009 Under the Weather

15/365:2009 Under the Weather
Originally uploaded by enola05

DS1 is off school today with a tummy bug. This is him curled up on the sofa with teddy and a blanket.

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

14/365:2009 Lilies

14/365:2009 Lilies
Originally uploaded by enola05

I went to visit a friend today and this beautiful bouquet was adorning her kitchen table.

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

13/365:2009 A Squash & A Squeeze

13/365:2009 A Squash & A Squeeze
Originally uploaded by enola05

Today we visited friends for a play.

Monday, 12 January 2009

12/365:2009 Plaggy bags

12/365:2009 Plaggy bags
Originally uploaded by enola05

Monday is grocery shopping. I had fully intended to take some photos in the supermarket but got too engrossed in doing my actual shopping (huh!) so I took this shot when I got home.

Sunday, 11 January 2009

11/365:2009 Eye see you

11/365:2009 Eye see you
Originally uploaded by enola05

If I get the camera out DS usually says cheese, whatever he is doing. Today I was actually trying to get some close up pics of various inanimate objects then this little head appeared in my viewfinder.

Saturday, 10 January 2009

10/365:2009 Arches

10/365:2009 Arches
Originally uploaded by enola05

This is your typical arches photo. It was either this or a cup of coffee today.

Next time I'll take my DSLR and try and get some better pics.

Friday, 9 January 2009

9/365:2009 Cubed

9/365:2009 Cubed
Originally uploaded by enola05

I took DS to the playgym today. There were so many bright and colourful things I wanted to photograph but to be honest I felt too self conscious.

I took these when DS was stacking them.

Thursday, 8 January 2009

8/396:2009 Brads

8/396:2009 Brads
Originally uploaded by enola05

Today I actually did some scrapping so I thought I'd take a photo to prove it. Thing is, the light wasn't that good at I kept getting camera shake so I decided to do it on purpose.

This is my collection of novelty brads.

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

7/365:2009 New Toy

7/365:2009 New Toy
Originally uploaded by enola05

My new toy arrived today so I just had to take some photos. It's a satnag incase you can't tell

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

6/365:2009 BEDraggled

6/365:2009 BEDraggled
Originally uploaded by enola05

This is what today has been all about.

DS is not well so we haven't been out. He spent a lot of time in here though.

Monday, 5 January 2009

5/365:2009 Tyred of the Weather

5/365:2009 Tyred of the Weather
Originally uploaded by enola05

I noticed this pattern in the tyres of the pushchair after traipsing through the mm's of snow to school this morning.

I tried to get a better picture with my 300D but zooming in closer to cut out the body of the pushchair meant losing the heart effect of the tyre pattern. This time compact triumphs over DSLR.

Sunday, 4 January 2009

4/365:2009 Little Green Toes

4/365:2009 Little Green Toes
Originally uploaded by enola05

Today was a messy play day and DS REALLY got into it.

I just love the vibrant green outlining his little toes.

I'm happier with pictures like this of the kids for this project. Creative and familial in one.

Saturday, 3 January 2009

3/365:2009 Darling Boy

3/365:2009 Darling Boy
Originally uploaded by enola05

Here is my photo for today. Although we actually got up and did something today, there weren't really that many photo opportunities, especially when there's a big sign in the cinema saying use of cameras or recording equipment is severely not allowed (or words to that effect).

This photo was taken back at home in the comfort of our own living room :D

I have a feeling that lots of my Photo a Day / 365 photos will be of the boys.

Friday, 2 January 2009

2/365:2009 Splashing

2/365:2009 Splashing
Originally uploaded by enola05

Everybody loves jumping in muddy puddles.

Golden Acre Park, Leeds, West Yorkshire

Thursday, 1 January 2009

1/365:2009 Keyboard

1/365:2009 Keyboard
Originally uploaded by enola05

Todays photo is a picture of my laptop keyboard.

All I have done all day is sit at this computer. I'm formatting blog entries into a blurb book so I can get them printed up but it has literally taken all day. I started about 10 this morning and now it is 11.45pm. It's all entered and edited, now all I need to do is preview and proof read it.

Project 365

Ok, so the idea behind this project is that you take at least one photo, every day, for a whole year.  What you do with the photos is entirely up to you.  

There's a group of people on UKScrappers doing this project for various reasons, from improving their photography to creating a photo diary.  Mine is a bit of both.  I want photos that represent the day, but hopefully are a little arty too, rather than just snaps.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the photos yet.  Maybe nothing, maybe just post them on here, we'll just have to see how the mood takes me.

Watch this space...