Friday 30 January 2009

This Blog Has Moved

I'm trying out a new blog site which allows private and public posts on the same blog (rather than trying to keep 2 blogs updated).

Thursday 29 January 2009

29/365:2009 - Bumblebee

29/365:2009 - Bumblebee
Originally uploaded by enola05

DS being creative. This will be a Bumblebee Transformer, given a few more coats of paint.

Wednesday 28 January 2009

28/365:2009 - Time Traveler's Wife

28/365:2009 - Time Traveler's Wife
Originally uploaded by enola05

I was stuck for inspiration today so here is a photo of the book I am currently reading. I like this idea, I might take photos of all the books I read this year as a photographic reading record. Shame I didn't think if this yesterday before I finished reading Wicked.

27/365:2009 - Miserable Morning

27/365:2009 - Miserable Morning
Originally uploaded by enola05

This is the row of houses opposite DS' nursery and it's about 8.30am. It was a little misty and I was hoping for something a little more evocative than this, but that's the limitations of a quick snap with a compact camera (and a dull cloudless sky) for you

26/365:2009 - Mmmmeeee

26/365:2009 - Mmmmeeee
Originally uploaded by enola05

OK, so I didn't actually take this one but it is my favourite photo of the day. Whilst doing the weekly grind (grocery shopping, yawn) I let DS2 play with my camera. That way if I saw any likely looking photo opportunities I could just borrow it back for a sec.

Anyway, DS2 (who is 2) took this picture of me at the checkout and I like it

Sunday 25 January 2009


Originally uploaded by enola05

I was torn with todays photo. There's this one of DS1 and another of DS2. As there are a few of DS2 already I chose this one.

This weekend has all been about kiddies parties and I was expecting to upload photos from there, but these two of my boys were just too appealing, and there are more kiddies parties next weekend. Oh what busy social lives my kids have!

Saturday 24 January 2009


Originally uploaded by enola05

DS2 was 2 today. Here is one of the many many pictures taken. DH seemed to have a problem with the autofocus and there are quite a few pics of chairs with blurry children in the background lol.